Uptime Kuma Status Monitor
Home Assistant

Uptime Kuma Status Monitor

Presents a visual representation of your running Services
A flow by Hank_the_Tank

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for this to work you need HACS for HomeAssistant and this Integration. If you have any questions, you can reach me on Discord

alias: Awtrix Uptime Kuma description: "" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - sensor.uptimekuma_192_168_178_117 condition: [] action: - variables: awtrix_text: >- {{ state_attr('sensor.uptimekuma_192_168_178_117', 'monitors_up') ~ '/' ~ state_attr('sensor.uptimekuma_192_168_178_117', 'monitors') }} sensors: - sensor: sensor.uptimekuma_awtrix_light_webinterface dp: 9 - sensor: sensor.uptimekuma_bitwarden dp: 11 - sensor: sensor.uptimekuma_esphome dp: 13 - sensor: sensor.uptimekuma_mosquitto dp: 15 - sensor: sensor.uptimekuma_home_assistant dp: 17 - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: awtrix_a8ba90/custom/uptimekuma payload: |- { "topText": true, "textOffset": -1, "icon": "uptimekuma", "text": "{{ awtrix_text }}", "color": "{% if is_state('sensor.uptimekuma_192_168_178_117', 'up') %}#6ed228{% else %}#ff0000{% endif %}", "draw":[ {%- for sensor in sensors -%} {"dp":[{{ sensor.dp }},7,"{% if is_state(sensor.sensor, 'up') %}#6ed228{% else %}#ff0000{% endif %}"]}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {%- endfor -%} ] } mode: restart
-- Flow first published on November 7, 2023, last updated on November 7, 2023 at 09:53.