Solar Energy Production
Home Assistant Blueprint

Solar Energy Production

This Home Assistant Automation blueprint adds the current energy production information to your Awtrix 3. Adapted to Awtrix by highball.
A flow by hupfis and highball

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Flow Details

This Home Assistant Automation blueprint adds the current solar energy production information to your Awtrix Light.

The data can be taken from any power sensor that provides this information (e.g. Shelly). You can configure it to not show the information during night or when there is 0 power produced.

Don't forget to install/upload the 3 icons attached to your Awtrix Light to get the full experience. I only adapted the "Awtrix Light" based "Solar Energy Production" flow from hupfis and changed some selectors and model.

blueprint: name: AWTRIX Solar Monitor description: 'This blueprint will show the current solar energy received. It uses a icons 54156 (solar-green), 50557 (solar-white-dyn), 50546 (solar-static) that you need to install. ' domain: automation input: awtrix: name: AWTRIX Device description: Select the Awtrix light device selector: device: filter: integration: mqtt manufacturer: Blueforcer model: AWTRIX 3 multiple: true power_source: name: Power Sensor description: A sensor providing the current power received from your solar system. selector: entity: filter: domain: sensor multiple: false threshold_high: name: Threshold for high solar production (W) description: The threshold above which the energy production of your solar system should be visualized as high. Input in Watts (W). selector: number: min: 0.0 max: 100000.0 unit_of_measurement: Watt mode: slider step: 1.0 default: 400 threshold_low: name: Threshold for low solar production (W) description: The threshold below which the energy production of your solar system should be visualized as low. Input in Watts (W). selector: number: min: 0.0 max: 100000.0 unit_of_measurement: Watt mode: slider step: 1.0 default: 100 skip_if_zero_watts: name: Hide solar production if at 0 Watts description: This will not show the solar energy production on your awtrix if the production is below 0 Watts. selector: boolean: {} default: false skip_during_night_hours: name: Hide solar production during night time description: This will not show the solar energy production on your awtrix during night hours (as specified below). selector: boolean: {} default: false night_starts_after_time: name: Night Time Start description: Set the start of the night time. default: 00:00:00 selector: time: {} night_ends_after_time: name: Night Time End description: Set the end of the night time. default: 00:00:00 selector: time: {} mode: single variables: device_ids: !input awtrix devices_topics: "{%- macro get_device_topic(device_id) %} {{ states((device_entities(device_id) | select('search','device_topic') | list)[0]) }} {%- endmacro %}\n{%- set ns = namespace(devices=[]) %} {%- for device_id in device_ids %}\n {%- set device=get_device_topic(device_id)|replace(' ','') %}\n {% set ns.devices = ns.devices + [ device ~ '/custom/solar_power'] %}\n{%- endfor %} {{ ns.devices }}" power_sensor: !input power_source power_level: '{{ states[power_sensor].state | int(0) | abs }}' threshold_low: !input threshold_low threshold_high: !input threshold_high power_level_icon: '{%- if power_level > threshold_high %}{{54156}}{%- endif %} {%- if (power_level <= threshold_high) and (power_level > threshold_low) %}{{50557}}{%- endif %} {%- if power_level <= threshold_low %}{{50546}}{%- endif %}' power_level_color: '{%- if power_level > threshold_high %}{{"#04FE04"}}{%- endif %} {%- if (power_level <= threshold_high) and (power_level > threshold_low) %}{{"#FCFEFC"}}{%- endif %} {%- if power_level <= threshold_low %}{{"#FF4E1A"}}{%- endif %}' power_level_text: '{%- if power_level > 1000 %}{{ ((power_level | float(default=0)) / 1000) | round(1)}} kW{%- else %}{{power_level | round(0)}} W{%- endif %}' skip_if_zero_watts: !input skip_if_zero_watts skip_during_night_hours: !input skip_during_night_hours payload: '{"icon":"{{ power_level_icon }}", "text": "{{ power_level_text }}", "color": "{{ power_level_color }}"}' night_start: !input night_starts_after_time night_end: !input night_ends_after_time trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: /1 condition: action: - choose: - alias: Skipping conditions: - condition: template value_template: '{% set now_time = now().strftime("%H:%M") %} {% set night_start = night_start %} {% set night_end = night_end %} {{ (skip_during_night_hours and ((now_time < night_end) or (now_time > night_start))) or (skip_if_zero_watts and (power_level == 0)) }} ' sequence: - repeat: for_each: '{{ devices_topics }}' sequence: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: '{{ repeat.item }}' payload: '{}' - alias: Not skipping conditions: - condition: template value_template: '{% set now_time = now().strftime("%H:%M") %} {% set night_start = night_start %} {% set night_end = night_end %} {{ not((skip_during_night_hours and ((now_time < night_end) or (now_time > night_start))) or (skip_if_zero_watts and (power_level == 0))) }} ' sequence: - repeat: for_each: '{{ devices_topics }}' sequence: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: '{{ repeat.item }}' payload: '{{ payload }}'
-- Flow first published on January 1, 2025, last updated on January 1, 2025 at 13:37.