Meteorologisk institutt (
Home Assistant

Meteorologisk institutt (

Displaying the standard weather application with Home Assistant
A flow by Dmytro Sudakevych (megadimich)

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Flow Details

  1. You need to create a sensor in the configuration.yaml file or add a link to the file where the weather icons code change sensor is written. In my case, I added the following lines to the configuration.yaml:

packages: !include_dir_merge_named includes/packages

Place the name_icon_weather_sensor.yaml file in the packages folder. In the name_icon_weather_sensor.yaml file, You have to change the name of your weather sensor, mine is called weather.forecast_golovna.

  1. Create your automation. I added my automation to the automations.yaml file. In this file, set your AWTRIX MQTT prefix in topic: instead of awtrix_565c3c. You have to change the name of your weather sensor, mine is called weather.forecast_golovna.

  2. Do not forget to download the icons mentioned in the project.

If you have any questions, please contact me on Discord at megadimich.

1. File name_icon_weather_sensor.yaml: name_icon_weather_sensor: sensor: - platform: template sensors: name_icon_weather: friendly_name: 'name icon weather' value_template: > {% if is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'clear-night') %}12181 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'cloudy') %}53384 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'exceptional') %}56705 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'fog') %}17055 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'hail') %}53288 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'lightning') %}50231 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'lightning-rainy') %}49299 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'partlycloudy') %}53802 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'pouring') %}49300 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'rainy') %}2284 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'snowy') %}2289 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'snowy-rainy') %}49301 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'sunny') %}2282 {% elif is_state('weather.forecast_golovna', 'windy') %}55032 {% else %}2422 {% endif %} 2. File automations.yaml: - id: '1702989107888' alias: 'AWTRIX Meteorologisk institutt (' description: '' trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: /5 condition: [] action: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: '0' retain: false topic: awtrix_565c3c/custom/weather1 payload: "{ \"text\": \"{{ state_attr('weather.forecast_golovna','temperature') }}{{ state_attr('weather.forecast_golovna','temperature_unit') }}\",\n \"icon\": \"{{ states('sensor.name_icon_weather') }}\",\n \"repeat\": 2,\n \"duration\": 5\n }" - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: '0' retain: false topic: awtrix_565c3c/custom/weather2 payload: '{ "text": "{{ state_attr(''weather.forecast_golovna'', ''humidity'') }}%", "icon": "2423", "repeat": 2, "duration": 5 }' - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: '0' retain: false topic: awtrix_565c3c/custom/weather3 payload: '{ "text": "{{ state_attr(''weather.forecast_golovna'', ''pressure'') | round(0)}}{{ state_attr(''weather.forecast_golovna'', ''pressure_unit'')[:3] }}", "textCase": 2, "icon": "39912", "repeat": 2, "duration": 5 }' - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: '0' retain: false topic: awtrix_565c3c/custom/weather4 payload: '{ "text": "{{ state_attr(''weather.forecast_golovna'', ''wind_speed'') |round(0) }}{{ state_attr(''weather.forecast_golovna'', ''wind_speed_unit'')}}", "textCase": 2, "icon": "55032", "repeat": 2, "duration": 5 }' mode: single
-- Flow first published on January 20, 2024.