The new effect future
Home Assistant

The new effect future

Chance the new effects comes with 0.71 every 5 minutes in Homeassistant Automation Randomly for 10 seconds👌😜
A flow by johination

Flow Details

Automation for Homeassistant!

Chance the new effects comes with 0.71 every 5 minutes in Homeassistant Automation Randomly for 10 seconds👌😜

- alias: Awtrix Effekte trigger: - platform: time_pattern minutes: "/5" action: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 2 retain: true payload: >- { "effect": "{{[ 'BrickBreaker', 'Checkerboard', 'Fireworks', 'PingPong', 'Radar', 'Ripple', 'Snake', 'TwinklingStars', 'TheaterChase', 'ColorWaves', 'SwirlOut', 'SwirlIn', 'LookingEyes', 'Matrix', 'Pacifica', 'Plasma', 'PlasmaCloud' ]|random }}", "rainbow": false, "duration": 10 } topic: awtrix_a90760/custom/effects
-- Flow first published on July 26, 2023, last updated on July 26, 2023 at 09:03.