Spotify - Song and Artist when playing

Spotify - Song and Artist when playing

Want to see the current song and artist on your AWTRIX while listening to Spotify? This flow is perfect for you! Easily install it in N8N. Link your Spotify account in N8N and update your AWTRIX's IP. Enjoy the music!
A flow by MaxM

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Flow Details

Are you looking to enhance your Spotify listening experience by displaying the current song and artist on your AWTRIX? Look no further! I have designed a convenient flow just for you, and you can effortlessly install it in N8N.

Begin by connecting your Spotify account within the N8N platform, ensuring a seamless integration. Next, don't forget to customize the IP address of your AWTRIX to make sure it syncs perfectly with your Spotify playback. The process is simple and quick, allowing you to personalize your AWTRIX display with real-time music information.

So, dive into the world of music visualization and elevate your Spotify sessions to a whole new level. Feel the rhythm as your AWTRIX keeps you informed about the songs and artists currently playing. If you are not playing a song on Spotify. The app wil be removed from AWTRIX display.

Get ready to have a fantastic time enjoying your favorite tunes with this dynamic combination of Spotify and AWTRIX integration!

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-- Flow first published on January 13, 2024, last updated on January 13, 2024 at 12:46.