Nordpool electricity prices
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Nordpool electricity prices

Display Nordpool electricity prices on the Ulanzi Clock
A flow by Kimmo

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Display Nordpool electricity prices on the Ulanzi Clock. The bottom of the display shows hourly prices for the whole day as colored pixels. Color values for the pixels and the current price can be mapped on the interface.

blueprint: name: "AWTRIX Nordpool" description: "Display Nordpool electricity prices on the Ulanzi Clock" domain: automation author: Kimmo input: awtrix: name: AWTRIX Device description: Select the Awtrix light device selector: device: integration: mqtt manufacturer: Blueforcer model: AWTRIX Light multiple: false nordpool: name: Nordpool sensor description: "Select a nordpool sensor that provides hourly electricity prices." selector: entity: filter: - domain: - sensor multiple: false hourly_attribute: name: Hourly attribute description: "Select an attribute in the above sensor containing the hourly prices in an array form." selector: text: {} default: today unit: name: Unit description: "Price unit to display." selector: text: {} default: c/kWh unit_multiplier: name: Multiplier description: "Multiplier to modify the raw price value. For example, use 100 if the raw price value is in Eur and you want to display it in cents. Use 1 if you want the value to be unchanged." selector: number: default: 100 color_matrix_json: name: Color Map description: "This will control how colors are mapped to a price range on the display. The color mapping is in JSON format." selector: text: multiline: true default: "{\n \"0\": \"#00FF00\",\n \"20\": \"#FFFF00\",\n \"40\": \"#FF0000\"\n}" message_duration: name: Duration description: How long should the message remain on the screen (in seconds). *If you select `0` it will use the Global App Time* selector: number: min: 0.0 max: 300.0 unit_of_measurement: sec step: 1.0 mode: slider default: 30 icon: name: Icon description: "Enter the Icon Name or ID of the icon that you like to show." selector: text: {} default: 54077 mode: restart variables: device_id: !input awtrix awtrix_light: "{{ iif( device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user') != none, device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user'), device_attr(device_id, 'name') ) }}" nordpool: !input nordpool hourly_attribute: !input hourly_attribute unit: !input unit unit_multiplier: !input unit_multiplier color_matrix_json: !input color_matrix_json message_duration: !input message_duration icon: !input icon nordpool_prices: '{{state_attr(nordpool,hourly_attribute)}}' current_price: '{{states(nordpool) | float}}' multiplied_price: '{{current_price | float * unit_multiplier }}' price_text: '{{ multiplied_price | round(1) ~ unit}}' color_dict: >- {% set b = color_matrix_json | from_json %} {%- set ns = namespace(tuples=[]) %} {%- for k,v in b | items -%} {%- set key = k|float -%} {%- set ns.tuples = ns.tuples + [(key,v)] %} {% endfor %} {{ dict.from_keys(ns.tuples) }} payload: |- {%- macro interpolate(dictionary, x) -%} {%- set x = x * unit_multiplier -%} {%- set sorted_keys = dictionary|dictsort -%} {%- set above = sorted_keys|selectattr('0', 'gt', x)|map(attribute='0')|list|first-%} {%- set below = sorted_keys|selectattr('0', 'lt', x)|map(attribute='0')|list|last -%} {#- Key matches x exactly -#} {%- if above is defined and dictionary[above] == x -%} {%- set value = dictionary[above] -%} {{ value }} {%- elif below is defined and dictionary[below] == x -%} {%- set value = dictionary[below]-%} {{ value }} {#- Interpolation between two values -#} {%- elif below is defined and above is defined -%} {%- set lower_value = dictionary[below] -%} {%- set upper_value = dictionary[above] -%} {%- set lower_rgb = lower_value[1:] -%} {%- set upper_rgb = upper_value[1:] -%} {%- set lower_r = lower_rgb[0:2]|int(base=16) -%} {%- set lower_g = lower_rgb[2:4]|int(base=16)-%} {%- set lower_b = lower_rgb[4:6]|int(base=16) -%} {%- set upper_r = upper_rgb[0:2]|int(base=16) -%} {%- set upper_g = upper_rgb[2:4]|int(base=16)-%} {%- set upper_b = upper_rgb[4:6]|int(base=16) -%} {%- set interpolation_factor = (x - below) / (above - below) -%} {%- set interpolated_r = ((1 - interpolation_factor) * lower_r + interpolation_factor * upper_r)|int -%} {%- set interpolated_g = ((1 - interpolation_factor) * lower_g + interpolation_factor * upper_g)|int -%} {%- set interpolated_b = ((1 - interpolation_factor) * lower_b + interpolation_factor * upper_b)|int -%} {%- set interpolated_hex = '#' ~ '%02X' % interpolated_r ~ '%02X' % interpolated_g ~ '%02X' % interpolated_b -%} {{ interpolated_hex }} {#- Only below key available -#} {%- elif below is defined -%} {%- set value = dictionary[below] -%} {{ value }} {#- Only above key available -#} {%- elif above is defined -%} {%- set value = dictionary[above] -%} {{ value }} {#- No matching keys available -#} {%- else -%}\ No matching key found. {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {#- Define a macro to draw out the price lines#} {%- macro draw_price_lines() %} {%- for hour in range(24) %} {"dp": [{{8+hour}},7,"{{interpolate(color_dict, nordpool_prices[hour]) }}"]} {%- if hour+1 != 24 %},{%endif%} {%- endfor %} {%- endmacro %} {"draw":[ {{draw_price_lines()}} ], "icon": '{{icon}}', "duration": '{{message_duration}}', "text": '{{price_text}}', "textCase": 2, "color": '{{interpolate(color_dict, current_price | float)}}', "lifetimeMode": 1 } trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input nordpool id: Changes enabled: true condition: [] action: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: "{{awtrix_light}}/custom/nordpool" payload: '{{payload}}'
-- Flow first published on January 24, 2024, last updated on January 24, 2024 at 18:45.