UV Index & Humidity
Home Assistant

UV Index & Humidity

This is an automation only to track the humidity and the relative humidity on the display
A flow by Jeeftor

Flow Details

This is a simple automation - the UV currently doesn't change colors just the number...

--- blueprint: name: AWTRIX UV☀️ Humidity💧️ description: > Display both a humidity value and the UV index on the awtrix. domain: automation input: awtrix: name: AWTRIX Device description: Select the Awtrix light selector: device: integration: mqtt manufacturer: Blueforcer model: AWTRIX Light multiple: false hum: name: Humidity Sensor description: A sesnor that provides a humidity value selector: entity: uv: name: UV Index description: A sesnor that provides a uv index selector: entity: mode: restart variables: device_id: !input awtrix awtrix: "{{ iif( device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user') != none, device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user'), device_attr(device_id, 'name') ) }}" message_topic: "{{awtrix ~ '/custom/hum'}}" notification_topic: "{{awtrix ~ '/notify' }}" payload: >- {% set uv = states('sensor.weatherflow_uv_index') | round %} {% set hum = states('sensor.weatherflow_relative_humidity') %} {%- if uv|float >= 10-%} {%- set uv_offset = "23,2" -%} {%- else %} {%- set uv_offset = "23,2" -%} {%- endif %} {%- macro get_uv_color(index) -%} {%- if index | float > 10 -%} #582FBD {%- elif index | float >= 8 -%} #CD0010 {%- elif index | float >= 6 -%} #F44208 {%- elif index | float >= 3 -%} #F5E10A {%- else -%} #248703 {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {% set uv_color = get_uv_color(uv) %} {% macro draw_uv() %} {"dt":[{{uv_offset}},"{{uv}}","{{uv_color}}"]} {% endmacro %} {%- macro draw_u(x,y,color) -%} {"dl":[{{x}},{{y}},{{x}},{{y+2}},"{{color}}"]}, {"dl":[{{x}},{{y+2}},{{x+2}},{{y+2}},"{{color}}"]}, {"dl":[{{x+2}},{{y}},{{x+2}},{{y+2}},"{{color}}"]} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro draw_v(x,y,color) -%} {"dl":[{{x}},{{y}},{{x+1}},{{y+2}},"{{color}}"]}, {"dl":[{{x+2}},{{y}},{{x+1}},{{y+2}},"{{color}}"]} {%- endmacro -%} { "draw": [ {"db":[0,1,8,8,[0,0,61279,0,0,0,0,0,0,65535,59199,50751,0,0,0,0,65535,61279,59199,50751,44383,0,0,0,61279,59199,59199,44383,44383,0,0,0,61279,50751,50751,44383,31737,0,0,0,0,44383,44383,31737,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]}, {"dt":[6,2,"{{hum}}%"]}, {{draw_u(19,1,"#00ffaa")}}, {{draw_v(19,5,"#00ffaa")}}, {{draw_uv()}} ] } trigger: - platform: time_pattern seconds: /5 condition: [] action: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 topic: "{{message_topic}}" payload: > {{payload}}
-- Flow first published on May 18, 2023.