Bitcoin tracker

Bitcoin tracker

This Bitcoin tracker powered by Kraken is customizable to display the current Bitcoin price in 6+ digits or use (Samson Mow) Excellion's Million Notation. It changes color of the Bitcoin price (green for pumps & red for dumps) as well as the opening & closing market trends with color.
A flow by icegeist

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Flow Details

This Bitcoin tracker powered by Kraken is customizable to display the current Bitcoin price in 6+ digits or use (Samson Mow) Excellion's Million Notation. It changes color of the Bitcoin price (green for pumps & red for dumps) as well as the opening & closing market trends with color.

Installation Tip:

Once Node-Red is running, Right Burger Menu -> Manage Palette -> install: node-red-contrib-throttle Without installing throttle you will get an error.

Double click on the "http request" block & point the URL to your static IP Ulanzi awtriz clock

Customization Tip:

You can change between running using (Samson Mow) Excellion's Million Notation or digit pricing by changing on line in the "Bitcoin APP" in flow. Look for "let btc_m_notation = false" if you want 6 digit prices or true if you want million notation.

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// HTTP API Appname\n\nif (msg.btcusd_current > msg.btcusd_avg) {\n // green = price above daily average\n btc_color = \"#80ff82\";\n btc_icon = \"bitcoin\";\n} else {\n // red = price below daily average\n btc_color = \"#ff7373\";\n btc_icon = \"8267\"; // 1097\n}\n\nlet btc_value = \"\";\nif (btc_m_notation) {\n btc_value = String(Number(msg.payload) / 1000000).substring(0, 4) + \"M\";\n} else {\n btc_value = String(Math.round(Number(msg.payload)));\n}\n\nlet awtrix_data = {\n text: btc_value,\n icon: btc_icon,\n color: btc_color,\n lifetime: \"30\",\n lifetimeMode: \"1\",\n\n}\n\nif (btc_lowhigh) {\n let pct = ((msg.payload - msg.low) / (msg.high - msg.low));\n let bar_start = 10;\n let bar_width = 20;\n let bar_pct_width = bar_width * pct;\n awtrix_data[\"draw\"] = [\n { \"dl\": [bar_start, 7, Math.round(bar_start+bar_width), 7, \"#ff7373\"] },\n { \"dl\": [bar_start, 7, Math.round(bar_start+bar_pct_width), 7, \"#80ff82\"] },\n { \"dp\": [bar_start+bar_pct_width+1, 7, \"#ffffff\"] }\n\n ]\n}\n\nmsg.payload = JSON.stringify(awtrix_data);\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": 0, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 330, "y": 460, "wires": [ [ "30122ee8832c8781" ] ] }, { "id": "d60c52eb6ea6ed25", "type": "throttle", "z": "5952ac5e35d08c18", "g": "928e76fe90e4b0b2", "name": "", "throttleType": "time", "timeLimit": "1", "timeLimitType": "seconds", "countLimit": 0, "blockSize": 0, "locked": false, "x": 170, "y": 460, "wires": [ [ "7a5a94f521f1a7d9" ] ] }, { "id": "30122ee8832c8781", "type": "http request", "z": "5952ac5e35d08c18", "g": "928e76fe90e4b0b2", "name": "", "method": "POST", "ret": "txt", "paytoqs": "ignore", "url": "", "tls": "", "persist": false, "proxy": "", "insecureHTTPParser": false, "authType": "", "senderr": false, "headers": [], "x": 510, "y": 460, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "5767230c7420f162", "type": "websocket-client", "path": "wss://", "tls": "", "wholemsg": "false", "hb": "30", "subprotocol": "", "headers": [] } ]
-- Flow first published on November 26, 2024, last updated on November 26, 2024 at 18:32.