Flow Details
Shows and updates the progress of the print based on the current progress and status. Before using, change the topic prefix according to your device
alias: Awtrix Ocotprint
description: ""
- trigger: state
- sensor.octoprint_job_percentage
- sensor.octoprint_current_state
- action: mqtt.publish
metadata: {}
qos: 0
retain: false
topic: awtrix_978bd4/custom/octoprint
payload: |-
"text": "{% if is_state('sensor.octoprint_current_state', 'Printing') %}{{ states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | round }}% ETA: {{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.octoprint_estimated_finish_time')) | timestamp_custom('%-I:%M %p') }}{% else %}Idle{% endif %}",
"icon": "37809",
{% if is_state('sensor.octoprint_current_state', 'Printing') %}
"progress": {{ states('sensor.octoprint_job_percentage') | round }},
"progressC": "#00ff00",
{% else %}
"lifetime": 600,
{% endif %}
"repeat": 2,
"duration": 5
mode: single
-- Flow first published on November 25, 2024, last updated on November 30, 2024 at 21:22.