Aifadian Sponsorship

Aifadian Sponsorship

Show the total sponsorship revenue of the "Aifadian" platform
A flow by ChenMo

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Log in to and then open Copy the cookie value of the request header and fill it in the cookie value of the HTTP request node request header.

The data is updated every 60 minutes by default, and can be modified as needed. It is not recommended to update it too frequently.

中文版: 在 进行登录,之后打开 复制请求头的cookie值,将其填写于 http request 节点请求头的cookie的值。 默认60分钟更新一次数据,可根据需要自行修改,不建议频次太高。

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-- Flow first published on September 1, 2024, last updated on September 1, 2024 at 13:35.