Home Battery Charge and Flow
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Home Battery Charge and Flow

Display home battery percentage and flow (charge, discharge). You will need to dowload some Lametric icons or provide your own.
A flow by DezeStijn

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Flow Details

Displays the battery percentage of your home battery. The icon will vary based on the battery percentage and the battery operation mode (charge/discharge/standby).

Icons need to be downloaded from Lametric or provided by yourself. You will need a HA entity for the battery charge and one for the battery mode. Adapt percentages and modes to your liking.

Don't forget to update MQTT info.

  - id: awtrix_app_home_battery
    alias: Awtrix Home Battery Charge
    description: Publishes the current home battery charge to the Awtrix clock
      - alias: Matrix turned on
        platform: state
        entity_id: light.awtrix_xxxxxx_matrix
        state: on
      - alias: Charge level/mode changes
        platform: state
          - sensor.battery_state_of_charge
          - sensor.battery_mode
    condition: []
      - service: mqtt.publish
          payload: >-
            {%- set charge = states('sensor.battery_state_of_charge') | float(-1) | round(0) %}
            {%- set mode = states('sensor.battery_mode') %}
            {%- if mode == "Charge" %}
              {%- if charge > 85 %}
                {%- set icon = 32047 %}
              {%- elif charge > 69 %}
                {%- set icon = 32049 %}
              {%- elif charge > 51 %}
                {%- set icon = 32050 %}
              {%- elif charge > 34 %}
                {%- set icon = 32051 %}
              {%- elif charge > 17 %}
                {%- set icon = 32052 %}
              {%- else %}
                {%- set icon = 32053 %}
              {% endif %}
            {%- elif mode == "Discharge" %}
              {%- if charge > 85 %}
                {%- set icon = 32059 %}
              {%- elif charge > 69 %}
                {%- set icon = 32058 %}
              {%- elif charge > 51 %}
                {%- set icon = 32057 %}
              {%- elif charge > 34 %}
                {%- set icon = 32056 %}
              {%- elif charge > 17 %}
                {%- set icon = 32055 %}
              {%- else %}
                {%- set icon = 32054 %}
              {% endif %}
            {%- else %}
              {%- if charge > 90 %}
                {%- set icon = 13735 %}
              {%- elif charge > 70 %}
                {%- set icon = 13732 %}
              {%- elif charge > 40 %}
                {%- set icon = 13731 %}
              {%- elif charge > 10 %}
                {%- set icon = 13725 %}
              {%- else %}
                {%- set icon = 13734 %}
              {% endif %}
            {%- endif %}
            {# Output #}
            { "text": "{{ charge }} %", "icon": "{{ icon }}", "progress": {{ charge }} }
          topic: awtrix_xxxxxx/custom/batterycharge
          qos: 0
          retain: false
-- Flow first published on September 22, 2023, last updated on September 22, 2023 at 12:43.