Flow Details
- You need to create a sensor in the configuration.yaml file or add a link to a file containing an AQI sensor and a sensor to change the color of the message text. In my case, I added the following lines to the configuration.yaml:
packages: !include_dir_merge_named includes/packages
Place the api_waqi_info_sensors.yaml file in the packages folder. At https://aqicn.org/data-platform/token/ you must create your token according to the instructions on that site. Then you should enter this token in the file api_waqi_info_sensors.yaml in resource_template instead of YOURS_TOKEN and instead of A195973 enter your city, for example kyiv or better Air quality monitoring station: A + station code - mine is A195973.
Create your automation. I added my automation to the automations.yaml file. In this file, set your AWTRIX MQTT prefix in topic: instead of awtrix_565c3c.
Do not forget to download the icon mentioned in the project.
If you have any questions, please contact me on Discord at megadimich.