Flow Details
You need to create a sensor in the configuration.yaml file or add a link to the file where the eur_npb_a and usd_nbp_a sensors are defined. In my case, I added the following lines to the my sensors.yaml file (or configuration.yaml if you are not using separate files per HA domain).
Create your automation. I added my automation to the automations.yaml file. In this file, set your AWTRIX MQTT prefix in topic: instead of awtrix_55bb50.
Do not forget to download the icons mentioned in the project: 11388, 2147.
The automation is based on the one for Ukraine hryvnia by Dmytro Sudakevych (megadimich), thank you for the inspiration.
1. sensors.yaml:
- platform: rest
name: EUR NBP A # sensor.eur_nbp_a
resource: http://api.nbp.pl/api/exchangerates/rates/A/EUR/?format=json
value_template: "{{ value_json.rates[0].mid }}"
json_attributes_path: $.rates.[0]
scan_interval: 500
unit_of_measurement: "PLN"
- platform: rest
name: USD NBP A # sensor.usd_nbp_a
resource: http://api.nbp.pl/api/exchangerates/rates/A/USD/?format=json
value_template: "{{ value_json.rates[0].mid }}"
json_attributes_path: $.rates.[0]
scan_interval: 500
unit_of_measurement: "PLN""
2. automations.yaml:
- id: '2024101201'
alias: 'AWTRIX: USD and EURO currency rates for Polish National Bank (NBP) Table
description: ''
- minutes: /4
trigger: time_pattern
conditions: []
- data:
qos: '0'
retain: false
topic: awtrix_55bb50/custom/rateeurnbpa
payload: '{ "text": "{{ states(''sensor.eur_nbp_a'') | round(4) }}", "icon":
"2147", "repeat": 2, "duration": 5 }'
action: mqtt.publish
- data:
qos: '0'
retain: false
topic: awtrix_55bb50/custom/rateusdnbpa
payload: '{ "text": "{{ states(''sensor.usd_nbp_a'') | round(4) }}", "icon":
"11388", "repeat": 2, "duration": 5 }'
action: mqtt.publish
mode: single
-- Flow first published on October 12, 2024, last updated on October 12, 2024 at 22:45.