Current playing song
Home Assistant Blueprint

Current playing song

This Home Assistant blueprint allows you to show the title and artist of your current playing song on your Awtrix Light.
A flow by N1c093

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Flow Details

This Home Assistant blueprint allows you to show your current playing song on your Awtrix Light.

The configuration options should be self explained. You have to select a media_player from Home Assistant. You can show the song as a notification or as an custom app. When the media_player is paused, the custom app will be deleted.

blueprint: name: Awtrix current playing song description: Shows the title and artist of your current playing song on Awtrix. domain: automation author: N1c093 input: awtrix_3: name: Awtrix Display description: Select the target Awtrix display. selector: device: model: "AWTRIX 3" media_player: name: Media Player Entity description: Select your Media Player. selector: entity: filter: - domain: media_player multiple: false icon_in: name: Icon description: Enter the Icon Name or ID of the icon. selector: text: default: "" push_icon: name: Push Icon description: Icon behavior selector: select: options: - label: "Icon doesn't move" value: "0" - label: "Icon moves with text and will not appear again" value: "1" - label: "Icon moves with text but appears again when the text starts" value: "2" mode: dropdown default: "2" repeat_text: name: Repeat description: Select how how often the text should be repeated. default: "2" selector: text: text_case: name: Text Case description: Select how you would like your text to display. selector: select: options: - label: "Use global setting" value: "0" - label: "Force Uppercase" value: "1" - label: "Show as the media player reports it" value: "2" mode: dropdown default: "0" display_type: name: Custom App/Notification description: Select if you want the information as a single notification or an custom app. selector: select: options: - label: "Notification" value: "0" - label: "Custom App" value: "1" mode: dropdown default: "1" background_color: name: Background Color description: Select the Background color selector: color_rgb: default: [0, 0, 0] text_color: name: Text Color description: Select the Text color. selector: color_rgb: default: [255, 255, 255] show_rainbow: name: Rainbow Colors description: Should the notification be shown in Rainbow colors? selector: boolean: default: false mode: queued trigger: - platform: state entity_id: !input media_player attribute: media_title from: - platform: state entity_id: !input media_player from: variables: device_id: !input awtrix_3 awtrix_3: "{{ iif( device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user') != none, device_attr(device_id, 'name_by_user'), device_attr(device_id, 'name') ) }}" repeat_text: !input repeat_text show_rainbow: !input show_rainbow push_icon: !input push_icon icon_in: !input icon_in background_color: !input background_color text_color: !input text_color text_case: !input text_case media_player: !input media_player display_type: !input display_type all_text: "{{state_attr(media_player, 'media_title')}} - {{state_attr(media_player, 'media_artist')}}" action: if: - condition: state entity_id: !input media_player state: playing then: if: "{{ display_type == '1' }}" then: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: "{{awtrix_3}}/custom/mediaplayer" payload: |- { "text": "{{ all_text }}", "icon": "{{ icon_in }}", "background": {{ background_color }}, "color": {{ text_color }}, "textCase": {{ text_case }}, "pushIcon": {{ push_icon }}, "rainbow": {{ iif(show_rainbow, "true", "false") }}, "repeat": {{ repeat_text }} } else: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: "{{awtrix_3}}/notify" payload: |- { "text": "{{ all_text }}", "icon": "{{ icon_in }}", "background": {{ background_color }}, "color": {{ text_color }}, "textCase": {{ text_case }}, "pushIcon": {{ push_icon }}, "rainbow": {{ iif(show_rainbow, "true", "false") }}, "repeat": {{ repeat_text }} } else: - if: "{{ display_type == '1' }}" then: - service: mqtt.publish data: qos: 0 retain: false topic: "{{awtrix_3}}/custom/mediaplayer" payload: |- {}
-- Flow first published on May 31, 2023, last updated on March 18, 2024 at 12:31.